Frequently Asked Questions

Auto-renewal means that your purchased plan will be automatically renewed at the end of the subscription term. It allows you to enjoy all the new features once there is an update. Meanwhile, you can cancel your subscription anytime.

You can use ParentalGuard imediately after purchasing. If not,please get in touch with us at (replace # with @)

No, there isn't a free version. We have three subscription plans, you can purchase one of them based on your need. Besides, we recommend you to take a look at demo which can help you make a choice.

Technically speaking, ParentalGuard supports all web browsers including Chrome、Edge、Safari、Firefox、Opera、Samsung Internet, etc.

Yes, you can get a refund and we have 30-day money back guarantee.Moreover, if ParentalGuard fails to solve your problems, please tell us as we embrace all suggestions that make our products better.

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